FB2 Letter from America The Early Years: 1946-1968 by Alistair Cooke phone eng ebay online itunes

FB2 Letter from America The Early Years: 1946-1968 by Alistair Cooke phone eng ebay online itunes

FB2 Letter from America The Early Years: 1946-1968 by Alistair Cooke phone eng ebay online itunes

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Book description

Book description
Alistair Cooke is the microphones great observer, the doyen of foreign correspondents and the worlds most famous letter-writer. Since 1946 he has been explaining the Americans through his weekly Letter from America, the longest-running one-man series in broadcasting history. It has been, and still is, a virtuoso performance - informed, informal, shrewd, funny and erudite.In this personally chosen selection from 1946-68 Alistair Cooke reports on everything from an Indian village in New Mexico to the Watts riots in Los Angeles. He recalls the kidnapping of a baby and the trials of a summer bachelor. He gives us vivid word pictures of events such as John Glenns journey inot space and the assassination of Robert Kennedy. Every event evokes a particular time and place, but Cookes unique style of expression and analysis provides each with a resonance that echoes through the years. (BBC Radio Collection, Vol 1)
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