FB2 Let Life Flow by Ramesh S. Balsekar download book free epub

FB2 Let Life Flow by Ramesh S. Balsekar download book free epub

FB2 Let Life Flow by Ramesh S. Balsekar download book free epub

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Book description
Change, unceasing change which is the very basis of life and living, is what Let Life Flow is all about. Ramesh says that life is like a deep river, flowing incessantly, whereas the day-to-day living for most people is a preference for the security and stagnancy of the little pools beside the river. What happens in life is that the challenge is always new, but our response is old because it is formed on the past, which is memory. Experiencing with memory is one state, but experiencing without memory is altogether different. A new thought, an inspiration can happen only when the mind is not caught in the net of memory. It is only when the mind is still, tranquil, not seeking any solution, any answer, neither resisting nor avoiding, that it is capable of receiving what is true, that which is eternal, timeless, immeasurable. You cannot go to it, it comes to you; what liberates is the truth, not your effort to be free. Ramesh uses the river as an apt metaphor for his concept that no one is a doer but, rather, all actions are happenings ordained by the One Source, who some refer to as God. To perceive ourselves as the doers is like the river thinking that it is pushing itself onwards to the sea, or the sea thinking that the tides are its own doing - totally oblivious of the fact that is the gravitational force of the moon that is responsible for their ebb and flow. To let life flow, in general terms, means that we should go about our daily routine with a relaxed attitude, based on the total basic understanding that nothing at all can happen unless it is supposed to happen according to ones destiny, according to the Cosmic Law.
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