FB2 Learning to Love Amy: The foster carer who saved a mother and a daughter (HarperTrue Life - A Short Read) by Mia Marconi windows read doc no registration full version

FB2 Learning to Love Amy: The foster carer who saved a mother and a daughter (HarperTrue Life - A Short Read) by Mia Marconi windows read doc no registration full version

FB2 Learning to Love Amy: The foster carer who saved a mother and a daughter (HarperTrue Life - A Short Read) by Mia Marconi windows

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Book description

Book description
The second in a series of true short stories from foster carer Mia Marconi.India was a child who was destined to end up in care. She came to foster carer Mia Marconi’s house when she was three; she’d already been in care for five months by then. But her mum Amy didn’t get on with her carer and threatened to kill her so India was moved.But no matter how inadequate parents are, children in care love them and want the world to love them too.Amy had had a hard life: she was one of seven siblings, all of who had been abused and ended up in care. She was an alcoholic and she phoned all times of day and night threatening suicide.When India finally settled in Mia’s happy household, Mia embarked on amazing journey to help Amy too.
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