FB2 Latinos in Libraries, Museums, and Archives: Cultural Competence in Action! an Asset-Based Approach by Patricia Montiel Overall epub kickass online francais how read

FB2 Latinos in Libraries, Museums, and Archives: Cultural Competence in Action! an Asset-Based Approach by Patricia Montiel Overall epub kickass online francais how read

FB2 Latinos in Libraries, Museums, and Archives: Cultural Competence in Action! an Asset-Based Approach by Patricia Montiel Overall

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Book description
Written by three experienced LIS professionals, Latinos in Libraries, Museums, and Archives demonstrates the meaning of cultural competence in the everyday work in libraries, archives, museums, and special collections with Latino populations. The authors focus on their areas of expertise including academic, school, public libraries, health sciences, archives, and special collections to show the importance of understanding how cultural competence effects the day-to-day communication, relationship building, and information provision with Latinos. They acknowledge the role of both tacit and explicit knowledge in their work, and discuss ways in which cultural competence is integral to successful delivery of services to, communication with, and relationship building with Latino communities.
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