FB2 Kings of War the game of Fantasy Battles by Alessio Cavatore macbook download tom no registration bookshop

FB2 Kings of War the game of Fantasy Battles by Alessio Cavatore macbook download tom no registration bookshop

FB2 Kings of War the game of Fantasy Battles by Alessio Cavatore macbook download tom no registration bookshop

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Book description

Book description
Kings of War 2nd Edition is a hardback rulebook that contains the complete Kings of War history and rules. It features:Rules written by Alessio Cavatore (Warhammer 40,000, Bolt Action) and the Mantic Rules Committee. Kings of War is a game for gamers, by gamers.Compelling new background, art and photography that invoke a powerful realm of swords and sorcery.Elegant easy-to-learn rules, balanced and playtested by the community for casual and tournament play.New Magic Spells and ArtifactsEleven Force Lists upgraded with new units, including Forces of the Abyss, Forces of Nature, Undead, Dwarfs, Elves, Abyssal Dwarfs, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Basileans and the Kingdoms of Men.
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