FB2 Key of Light by Nora Roberts download book free txt

FB2 Key of Light by Nora Roberts download book free txt

FB2 Key of Light by Nora Roberts download book free txt

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Book description
The pleasure of your company is desired for cocktails and conversation. 8 pm, 4th September. Warriors Peak.When Malory Price is issued with the above invitation she is naturally suspicious, especially as Warriors Peak is a local mansion straight out of a Hollywood movie. But with her overdraft at crisis limit and on the verge of losing her job at a local art gallery, she has little to lose by attending the event.Only Malory is about to get more than she bargained for. At Warriors Peak she finds that she and two other women are the only guests of their mysterious hosts. They are told an amazing story of magic, gods and goddesses; and of three demi-goddesses who have been cast into an eternal sleep, their mortal souls placed under lock and key. And in every generation, three women are born who alone have the power to free them - if they are prepared to accept the challenge.Three women. Three keys to find. If one fails, they all lose. If they succeed - money, power and a new destiny awaits. It will take more than intellect, more than determination. They will have to open their hearts, their minds, and believe that everything is possible.
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