FB2 Jurassic Park Vol. 6: Dark Cargo! by Steve Englehart eReader online read pocket price

FB2 Jurassic Park Vol. 6: Dark Cargo! by Steve Englehart eReader online read pocket price

FB2 Jurassic Park Vol. 6: Dark Cargo! by Steve Englehart eReader online read pocket price

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Book description

Book description
Relive the magic and majesty of JURASSIC PARK in this re-presentation of the classic movie. Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler have been captured along with six raptors! They wake to find themselves in the dark cargo hold of a ship heading away from Isla Nublar and Jurassic Park. When the intelligent raptors escape, it is a fight to survive for all on board! The excitement continues in volume 6 of Jurassic Park! Spotlight is a division of ABDO Group. Grades 4-8.
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