FB2 Java in Plain English by Brian Overland download book how download view library

FB2 Java in Plain English by Brian Overland download book how download view library

FB2 Java in Plain English by Brian Overland download book how download view library

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Book description
Java(TM) in Plain English Second Edition Java in Plain English, Second Edition, covers the entire Java 1.1 language and API in a remarkably compact size and easy-to-use format. This powerful reference guide explains each method, field, and parameter, and provides extensive, easy-to-follow examples. Unique features of the book include the language reference, which highlights Java/C++differences in each topic, making it the most convenient reference for C and C++ programmers. In addition, the API Reference is one of the few sources available anywhere that summarizes the entire API, both concisely and comprehensively. This edition is greatly expanded to provide more coverage of Java database capabilities--including a tutorial and reference to SQL commands--as well as more examples and definitions of the latest Java concepts. This concise book is an essential companion for all Java programmers: if you want to be creating the software of the future, this book is for you. Whether youre exploring Java as a newcomer, are migrating from C++ or C, or need a reference guide to exploit its most advanced features, Java in Plain English, Second Edition will answer your questions quickly. From its comprehensive guide to the Java API, to its detailed and practical alphabetical reference to Java syntax, this is a reference to rely on. Java in Plain English has become my bible as a Java developer. Its simply indispensable. --Randy Sears, staff programmer at Boston UniversityUpdated and expanded to cover the latest Java 1.1 conceptsFocus on common programming tasksJDBC tutorial helps you start using Java database features quicklySQL appendix covers most common database commandsExpanded API reference with more examples and improved formatLanguage reference summarizes syntax and Java/C++ differencesConcise introduction to Java, including special Java features such as packages, objects, and threadsExtensive cross referencing, including an alphabetical cross reference of the Java API by taskUseful tables for graphical programmingConvenient A-Z reference of all Java keywords, functions, and termshttp: //www.idgbooks.com
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