FB2 Into the Heart of the Mind: An American Quest for Artificial Intelligence by Frank Rose (Goodreads Author) kindle online bookshop without signing full version

FB2 Into the Heart of the Mind: An American Quest for Artificial Intelligence by Frank Rose (Goodreads Author) kindle online bookshop without signing full version

FB2 Into the Heart of the Mind: An American Quest for Artificial Intelligence by Frank Rose (Goodreads Author) kindle online bookshop

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Book description
Author of The Art of Immersion, The Agency, and West of Eden. Writer and speaker on the impact of technology on entertainment, advertising, and society. Senior Fellow, Columbia University School of the Arts, and faculty co-director, executive education seminar in Digital Storytelling Strategy. Correspondent for Wired. Contributor to The New York Times, strategy+business, The Milken Institute Review, and other publications. Digital anthropologist.
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