FB2 In Ruins: The Once Great Houses of Ireland by Simon Marsden iBooks look doc online ebay

FB2 In Ruins: The Once Great Houses of Ireland by Simon Marsden iBooks look doc online ebay

FB2 In Ruins: The Once Great Houses of Ireland by Simon Marsden iBooks look doc online ebay

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Book description
Irelands once great houses and castles, designed by the most accomplished architects of their day for the Anglo-Irish aristocracy, bear witness to a troubled history of civil war, famine, and bankruptcy. Splendid in their prime, the ruins have absorbed the romantic beauty and mystery of the surrounding landscape -- qualities brilliantly captured by Simon Marsdens infrared-filtered photographs and Duncan McLarens vivid text.First published in 1980 but long out of print, In Ruins has now been revised and updated to include eleven new sites and thirty previously unpublished images.
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