FB2 Il Gatto Sul G 2 by Tooko Miyagi itunes read cheap book view

FB2 Il Gatto Sul G 2 by Tooko Miyagi itunes read cheap book view

FB2 Il Gatto Sul G 2 by Tooko Miyagi itunes read cheap book view

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Riya has taken to hanging around Atshushis house at strange hours, a stray that refuses to leave the place it has been given shelter, as we enter the second volume of Il gatto sul G.On Riyas return to his normally empty home, he discovers his cousin there, famous concert pianist Saki Narukawa, who is in Japan for a concert of his own, and plans to attend Riyas while he is there. When Riya suggests perhaps a phone call in advance would be nice, Saki reminds him that he talked to him just the evening before, and brought him the box of chocolate macadamia nuts which he demanded - which Riya obviously does not remember demanding. Saki mentions to his manager rumors he has heard about his cousin, but he has always dismissed them. It seems absurd to consider that the boy has multiple personalities.Riya returns to school, and faces Kousaka, whom he last remembers seeing at his house, when he had sex with one of his personalities, and pressed him to return Atsushis key. He is jumpy around him, unsure of himself. On returning the key, he reveals to Atsushi that the white Riya has slept with another boy, which leads to Atsushis thoughts being directed in a channel he hadnt previously found them to be running in - at least not consciously. Saki visits Riyas school, to the delight of everyone there, while pressure mounts as the actual date for the concert approaches. White Riya notices the key is gone, and wonders what he has done with it, having no memory of returning it to Atsushi.The night of the concert arrives - there are two musicians in place as back-up for Riya, in the eventuality that he becomes unstable and cannot go through with his performance, one of whom is Kousaka. But he does show up, and so does Atsushi, who even asks Kousaka for directions to the concert, neither aware of who the other is, taking his place in the audience. Once on stage, Riya becomes exceptionally professional, his entire personality becoming geared toward his playing, and reveals himself for the extraordinary talent that he is. Afterwards, he learns that someone matching Atsushis description was there, asking for him, and he races outside, catching sight of him and hanging on to him for dear life. Kousaka discovers them there, as does Saki (and the annoying person Atsushi met at Riyas school before). Saki sends Riya back home, and then proceeds to grill Atsushi on his relationship to Riya, how they met, as well as questions about himself and his life - then he propositions him, asking if he will move into Riyas house as a sort of caretaker, since he has the necessary skills and Riya is comfortable with him! A chance encounter with Kousaka at Sakis concert does not go well for any of them.Read the entire review at Yaoi Radius!
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