FB2 I dreamt... by Gabriela Olmos (Goodreads Author) ebook flibusta book access epub

FB2 I dreamt... by Gabriela Olmos (Goodreads Author) ebook flibusta book access epub

FB2 I dreamt... by Gabriela Olmos (Goodreads Author) ebook flibusta book access epub

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Book description
In many parts of the world, children live with violence. Wars, gangs, guns, crime, bullying, harassment, and fear keep kids from living the full, free lives every child should enjoy. This book was created in Mexico, where for the past six years a vicious war has brought fear and insecurity to many childrens lives. Their dreams have become nightmares. Some of Mexico’s best illustrators have donated their art to create a book that gives children a way to talk about their fears, a reason to hope, and the inspiration to resist falling into grief.
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