FB2 How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog and How You Can Start A Blog Today by Bob Lotich (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

FB2 How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog and How You Can Start A Blog Today by Bob Lotich (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

FB2 How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog and How You Can Start A Blog Today by Bob Lotich (Goodreads

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Book description

Book description
Bob Lotich founded ChristianPF.com back in 2007 and after getting laid off in 2008 he took the leap into full-time blogging. Less than a year later he was earning more from his blog than his previous day-job.While his results are not typical, this book covers all the steps he took to make money from his blog over that two-year period.Who this book is written for:* Those who want to get started blogging* Those who are already blogging but arent making as much money as theyd like to.Who this book is NOT written for:* People looking for a get-rich-quick system that requires little effort.* Experienced bloggers making over $1000/m (though the book will still probably be helpful, it isnt written to this audience)Some of the topics covered in the book:* 4 Steps to Start Blogging in 10 minutes* Blogging Basics* How to setup a Self-Hosted Blog* The importance of a Customizable Wordpress theme* 3 primary ways to earn from your blog* How long does it take to make money from your blog?* How to get traffic to your blog* SEO Tips for bloggers* How I increased Adsense earnings $1500/m in less than 3 months* 10 helpful tools that made it all possible
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