FB2 Heal Yourself with Qigong: Gentle Practices to Increase Energy, Restore Health, and Relax the Mind by Suzanne Friedman flibusta touch library read get

FB2 Heal Yourself with Qigong: Gentle Practices to Increase Energy, Restore Health, and Relax the Mind by Suzanne Friedman flibusta touch library read get

FB2 Heal Yourself with Qigong: Gentle Practices to Increase Energy, Restore Health, and Relax the Mind by Suzanne Friedman flibusta

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Book description
Qigong (pronounced chee-gung) is an ancient Chinese practice consisting of physical movements, meditation, creative visualization, and breathing exercises to help revitalize the body and heal the spirit. Similar to tai chi, qigong cultivates vital life-force energy in the body for better health, heightened energy, and longevity. Its powerful benefits have been known in China for thousands of years.This unique book presents over 100 easy, five-minute qigong exercises designed to target specific health issues, from strengthening an aching back and reducing stress to improving sexual function and boosting energy. You can use this book to quickly find the best qigong exercises to target your particular physical and mental health needs. Heal Yourself with Qigong allows you to customize routines, making it ideal for both experienced practitioners and those new to qigong.Choose and combine from these four sections:Instant energy boosters Exercises for restoring physical vitality Emotion-balancing techniques Practices for calming the spirit
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