FB2 He Plays With Fire by Dasha G. Logan (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

FB2 He Plays With Fire by Dasha G. Logan (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

FB2 He Plays With Fire by Dasha G. Logan (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

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Book description
If there is one man on planet earth any girl should be warned about by the time she enters womanhood, it is Sebastián Farley-Mendoza. He is the blazing hot polo superstar who - at least evil tongues are saying so - holds the world record in bedding billionaire wives. His own wife and children must tag along meekly on his never ending circuit of high-class sport and high-class seduction. Now, if you happen to be completely ignorant about the jet set and of a rather down-to-earth and introvert nature, like Dido Carpenter for example, you should stay well out of Sebastiáns way. But Dido is safe, right? Dido is not very interested in love anyway and Dido would never fall for a man who is married or seventeen years older than she is. Never! Well, all we can say is: Good Luck, Dido... He Plays With Fire can be read as a stand-alone novel, but it is the third book of Dasha G. Logans Jet Set Chronicles. SIZZLE FACTOR: Saucy chick lit (no ten page long in-and-outs, fireworks or chain-climacting pregnant virgins) LANGUAGE: Characters tend to be outspoken! Nothing truly disgusting, but expect the occasional four letter word and the rare mentioning of body fluids.
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