FB2 Hana-Kimi, Vol. 15 by Hisaya Nakajo read bookshop acquire macbook download

FB2 Hana-Kimi, Vol. 15 by Hisaya Nakajo read bookshop acquire macbook download

FB2 Hana-Kimi, Vol. 15 by Hisaya Nakajo read bookshop acquire macbook download

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Book description
The most recently released volume of Hana Kimi. This is a guilty pleasure for me. I gain nothing by reading, and its a quick read too, each volume consuming no more than 45 minutes of my time. But Ive fallen in love with the characters and want to see them succeed. Hana Kimi follows an American girl who is masquerading as a boy to go to an all-boys school in Japan to cheer on her favorite high-jump athlete. Hijinks ensue (as always). Hisaya Nakajo has a gorgeous drawing style that takes some getting used to but is easy to fall in love with.
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