FB2 Gambit by C.L. Denault (Goodreads Author) eReader via full english book

FB2 Gambit by C.L. Denault (Goodreads Author) eReader via full english book

FB2 Gambit by C.L. Denault (Goodreads Author) eReader via full english book

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Book description
In Earth’s battle-ridden future, humans have evolved. Those with extraordinary skills rise to power and fame. Those without live in poverty.Sixteen-year-old Willow Kent believed she was normal. But when a genetically-advanced military officer shows up in her village and questions her identity, long-buried secrets begin to emerge. With remarkable skills and a shocking genetic code the Core and its enemies will do anything to obtain, Willow suddenly finds the freedom she craves slipping through her fingers. Greed, corruption, and genetic tampering threaten every aspect of her existence as she’s thrust, unwilling, into the sophisticated culture of the elite Core city. To ensure peace, she must leave the past behind, marry a man she’s never met, and submit to the authority of a relentless officer with a hidden agenda of his own.Her life has become a dangerous game. How much will she sacrifice in order to win?
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