FB2 Freedom: A Novel of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War by William Safire how download online link reader read

FB2 Freedom: A Novel of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War by William Safire how download online link reader read

FB2 Freedom: A Novel of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War by William Safire how download online link reader read

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Book description
I have read over 100 books about the Civil War and its characters - this is one of the best. I am not a big fan of William Safire - in fact, I liked nothing else he ever wrote - and as for his politics, well, lets just say that we rarely saw eye to eye. But this book is a miracle - a stirring but fully documented account of the first two tears of the war.This is one of the best historical novels ever written - and I have read hundreds of them, from Gore Vidal to Mary Renault. A fascinating feature of this historical novel is the back history. Safire, in the back of the book, after each chapter, tells you what he made up and what is based on documents or other hard evidence. If you like books about the CW, or if you like historical novels, this is the book for you.
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