FB2 Freaks by Kieran Larwood (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

FB2 Freaks by Kieran Larwood (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

FB2 Freaks by Kieran Larwood (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

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Book description
The Freaks are a band of misfits, trapped in a nightly Victorian sideshow. There’s Wolf-girl, Sheba, with her amazing sense of smell; Sister Moon, who can move at the speed of light; and Monkey Boy, ace climber and human stink bomb. But during the day, the Freaks decide to put their extraordinary talents to use. And in a world of child-snatchers, grave robbers and dastardly doctors, they solve the mysteries no one else cares about, including why London’s poorest children are being snatched from the banks of the Thames.
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