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FB2 Fluffy: Scourge of the Sea by Teresa Bateman (Goodreads Author) access review bookshop itunes free

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This is another one of those random finds at the library. Most of the time I have about 2 minutes to look through the childrens shelves and select some books before my son is either climbing on the furniture, fighting with his sister, or (worse!) fighting with some other little sweet-tempered tyke. As I get closer to time-up, I start grabbing anything that looks promising. I thought Fluffy the pirate poodle would be an interesting read. It is written in verse and amusingly illustrated. Fluffy and his yacht are captured by some piratical sea-dogs and Fluffy cunningly outwits the pirate captain and takes over the ship himself, becoming the most dashing doggy buccaneer on the seven seas. The fun of it for me was the storyline that so much reminded me of classic folktales about ordinary but wily heroes who use their wits to turn the tables on their enemies (Puss and Boots, for example).
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