FB2 Finding Her Men by Marla Monroe (Goodreads Author) phone wiki free eReader book

FB2 Finding Her Men by Marla Monroe (Goodreads Author) phone wiki free eReader book

FB2 Finding Her Men by Marla Monroe (Goodreads Author) phone wiki free eReader book

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Book description
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Futuristic Sci-Fi Cowboy Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, HEA]Valerie needs someone to take care of her, and she thinks she’s found it in Luke and Grant. But will they take her in, or must she continue looking? Luke and Grant are surprised to find a woman on her own out in the Border Lands. How can they turn her away?She can’t help but fall in love with them, but Grant needs a little more convincing than Luke, and she struggles to prove to him that she is worthy of his love.When someone tries to take her away from them, they realize how much she means to them and fight to get her back. Nothing will stand in their way. The others in the area agree that they need to work together to keep their women safe. Grant and Luke are eager to join forces for the protection of the woman they love.Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among the siblings.A Siren Erotic Romance
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