FB2 Drive It Forever: Secrets to Long Automobile Life by Bob Sikorsky book epub online

FB2 Drive It Forever: Secrets to Long Automobile Life by Bob Sikorsky book epub online

FB2 Drive It Forever: Secrets to Long Automobile Life by Bob Sikorsky book epub online

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Book description
-- Sikorsky reaches millions of readers with his New York Times Syndicate national newspaper columns, Drive It Forever and Ridin in Style.-- Revised and updated -- in its l5th printing.-- One of Americas best-selling car books.Many of the recommendations from the author come from a feature in his syndicated newspaper column called High Mileage Club. Sikorsky invites readers who own vehicles with over 100,000 miles to write and tell about their cars or trucks and the methods they have used to attain high mileage. One condition must be met before a vehicle can qualify as a member of the club: It must have over 100,000 miles without any major repairs. Anyone can drive a car for 200,000 miles if the engine and transmission are rebuilt every 75,000 miles. The reader has the advantage of having all of these ideas between two covers.
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