FB2 Developing Transferable Skills: Enhancing Your Research and Employment Potential by Pam Denicolo phone shop tablet wiki free

FB2 Developing Transferable Skills: Enhancing Your Research and Employment Potential by Pam Denicolo phone shop tablet wiki free

FB2 Developing Transferable Skills: Enhancing Your Research and Employment Potential by Pam Denicolo phone shop tablet wiki free

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Book description
If youre a doctoral and early career researcher seeking a succinct guide to developing transferable skills, or are responsible for developing the transferable skills of others, this book takes you through everything you need to know.In the UK, possession of a doctorate is no longer the rarity it once was and the competitive economic climate makes it even more critical that you can convince prospective employers of both your specialist and generic skills. The authors take you through why transferable skills are needed, and how they can be acquired, evidenced and marketed.With coverage of project management, team working, communication, leadership and technical skills, this book is an essential guide for any researchers who want to make the most of the skills you have and acquire the skills you need.
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