FB2 Darkness Wanes by Susan Illene (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

FB2 Darkness Wanes by Susan Illene (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

FB2 Darkness Wanes by Susan Illene (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

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Book description
Book Six of the Sensor Series—final installment. Melena Sanders is locked away in Purgatory, which is no vacation, but she’ll soon be returning to Alaska where troubles are mounting once again. Suspicious fires are breaking out, supernaturals are being attacked, and there’s an enemy lurking out there waiting for his chance to strike. Her lover, Lucas, is managing to hold their home together during her absence, but he’s more than ready for her to return. It will take the two of them working together, along with friends and family, to overcome the darkness that is about to unleash.
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