FB2 Courting Trouble by Margaret Brownley (Goodreads Author) download page djvu audio wiki

FB2 Courting Trouble by Margaret Brownley (Goodreads Author) download page djvu audio wiki

FB2 Courting Trouble by Margaret Brownley (Goodreads Author) download page djvu audio wiki

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Book description
Its 1885 and five preachers sit around a campfire out West, trading stories of unlikely couples theyve seen God bring together. This is one of those stories . . .Hes a wild-West attorney and shes his beautiful client. Could she really be guilty of murder?Attorney Brock Daniels meets Grace Davenport in the least romantic setting he could imagine: the town jail. And yet her beauty and kindness capture his heart almost from the start.But Grace is facing a tough jury in this rough-and-tumble town. And the charges dont look good given her track record. This last one makes her a widow three times over, with each of her dead husbands worse than the last. Geoffrey ate poisoned mushrooms, Harry was so drunk he got thrown by a horse, and Billy Joe went missing after Grace chased him down and gave him what for at the saloon where hed gambled away all their food money.Still, Brock is a skilled attorney. And Graces son Jesse is determined to prove her innocence through researching case law at Brocks side until his mom is freed. In the end, Brock may be meeting Grace in front of a judge for an altogether more celebratory occasion . . . as soon as shes cleared.A delightfully romantic tale. --Maggie Brendan, author of The Jewel of His Heart (on And Then Came Spring in A Bride for All Seasons)Brownleyhas a way with words that keeps the reader interested until the last page. --Romantic Times
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