FB2 Can You Count to a Googol? by Robert E. Wells without signing author get access online

FB2 Can You Count to a Googol? by Robert E. Wells without signing author get access online

FB2 Can You Count to a Googol? by Robert E. Wells without signing author get access online

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Book description
I will always remember this book for being at the center of my first independent math lesson. For fifth-grade, my topic was multiplying with powers of ten using exponents, and Can You Count to a Googol? really helped introduce all of that math content. What I could not have anticipated while writing the lesson plan was that the students I received this morning were completely unfamiliar with powers of ten (and I later learned that they were the lowest level group), but between all the strategies I had planned and this book, they had a beginning understanding of powers of ten and exponents by the end of the hour. If the only tidbit they take away from the lesson was that the value of the exponent is equal to the number of zeros in the product, then at least they have a headstart when they reach powers in their math class.
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