FB2 By The Numbers by Chris Owen (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

FB2 By The Numbers by Chris Owen (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

FB2 By The Numbers by Chris Owen (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

> READ BOOK > Money-Driven Medicine: The Real Reason Health Care Costs So Much

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This really is a well thought out and well put together book... unfortunately, it is depressing as hell. Doctors who overtreat, doctors who are run out of practices they love, pharmaceutical reps gone mad, insurance companies running amok... PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT.Other good books to check out include Overtreated and Our Daily MedsThis whole book makes me realize that a system made to profit on your personal health, or lack thereof, sucks. Now, dont get me wrong, doctors need to be paid for the services they provide. We have to pay for medications we need. But when is it enough? How much is enough?The system is sick. Insurance companies use your health as a commodity. (you getting sick and needing tests COSTS THEM MONEY! How rude!The pharmaceutical companies profit from you getting ill. (They will invent illnesses to sell you a pill!)The system is flatlining.Do people really think Obama is gonna bring on the crash cart and revive it?Im not seeing it.I especially like the new finding that mammograms should be done at age 50.http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2...(after YEARS of nagging about early detection...) But what? Screening costs money? Costs who money? Insurance companies? Oh. Hold off on that screening for a bit. Maybe we can skip those pricey, er, pesky chemo treatments as well.Anyway, the author did an amazing job on this book. My only complaint is that someone so intelligent and common sensical cant fix it. Damn it woman, wave a wand and fix it for the millions of uninsured.Please?
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