FB2 Blood of Ten Chiefs (ElfQuest Readers Collection, #9b) by Wendy Pini (Creator) read find phone selling value

FB2 Blood of Ten Chiefs (ElfQuest Readers Collection, #9b) by Wendy Pini (Creator) read find phone selling value

FB2 Blood of Ten Chiefs (ElfQuest Readers Collection, #9b) by Wendy Pini (Creator) read find phone selling value

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Book description

Book description
This volume reprints material from issues 1-11 of the Elfquest Blood of Ten Chiefs comic book series. Before Cutter, leader of the Wolfriders, there were the Ten Chiefs, ancestors going all the way back 10,00- years to the very first elves to land upon the World of Two Moons. These shadowy characters come to life in tales that show how the elves lived, loved and died as they struggled to make a home on their new world.
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