FB2 Black Cat, Volume 10 by Kentaro Yabuki reader original djvu via free

FB2 Black Cat, Volume 10 by Kentaro Yabuki reader original djvu via free

FB2 Black Cat, Volume 10 by Kentaro Yabuki reader original djvu via free

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Book description
The battle between Creed, Echidna, and Cerberus ends in a draw, with both sides sustaining fatal wounds. A member of Cerberus has died, another is comatose, and the last now has the weight of two men on his shoulders. Jenos swears to carry on the name of Cerberus, even if hell be the only one left standing...Meanwhile, Train has a run-in with former Apostles of the Stars members Charden and Kyoko, where soon after, Echidna kidnaps Sven and Eve, luring Train to Creed. Creed had planned to turn Sven into a monster so that Train will become disgusted by his current partner and flock back to him. However, when Train takes the DNA-altering bullet instead of Sven, what will his fate be...?!Big changes, indeed... There are just so many things in this volume that I want to talk about, but it would take forever to type it all up. Time that I dont have, and wont have, for a little while to come. However, all of the females, Eve, Kyoko, Rinslet, they were all so adorable and badass in this one! I also still like Charden, even though he wants to see the end of Chronos. Im sure he has good reason though. Chronos may keep order, but they have a bad side too. They did create Creed, after all. However, every large organization will always have its shadows. Thats how the balance is kept. Its how the world keeps spinning, everything must have some sort of balance. I dont really know of many characters that might know that, perhaps Eve would in time, if she doesnt already. Shes so refined and quiet, its hard to tell sometimes just how wise she really is.Oh, oh, and I was so shocked that Creed lost his arm!! And that Cerberus is still alive in Jenos, and somewhat in comatose Nizer. In the anime, Jenos never took Creeds arm off!! Did he...? Or at least, Creed reattached or grew it back or something! Hes just walking around with one arm now, like its his amazing battle scar! Also, didnt Train also turn into a child once before? Or am I thinking of the anime again? Im starting to get it all mixed up! But you know what? All in all, Im actually starting to like the manga more than the anime...! Im so sad that Im already halfway through with it.On a bit of a different note, this was a great volume, and I am tempted to give it five stars. However, it wasnt perfect, so I will restrain. I still have some questions about the events that took place in it, but I suppose those will be answered in time. Another thing, is Creed really going to be the villain for another ten volumes? I mean, gosh. He just cant give up on Train, can he? Although, after Train was shot, he did turn a blind eye. But he also put his faith in Train to not die from it. So I feel Creed is becoming a bit less obsessed with the Black Cat, but he still loves him to pieces. Oh, what a pitiful man Creed is. At least he seems to be somewhat emotionally growing. But... Hes going down the wrong path... I remember too, Creed had a sad childhood. But they barely showed any of it. I wonder why? I hope well get to see the childhood he had in greater detail at some point in the manga. Creed really is one of those villains you just love to hate, such as The Master (Doctor Who) or Moriarty (BBCs Sherlock). And oh my gosh, Eves creator looked just like her! At first I thought it was her... I guess it would be kind of like her mother, in a way, huh? No wonder Sven wants to keep them apart... Man, everything is just so amazing! The atmosphere, the angst, the character developments, the battles! I loved it all! It was amazing. I just frikkin love Black Cat!
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