FB2 Beyond Infinity: A MatheMATTical Adventure by Charles Ames Fischer download book how download view library

FB2 Beyond Infinity: A MatheMATTical Adventure by Charles Ames Fischer download book how download view library

FB2 Beyond Infinity: A MatheMATTical Adventure by Charles Ames Fischer download book how download view library

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Book description
When high school senior Matthew “MatheMatt” Forsythe discovers a weird computer and a secret door at school, a series of events unfolds where he and his friends solve one mathematical puzzle after another. After finding a teleportal, Matt and his friend Kelsie travel to a strange world where numbers are actually alive! There they meet the mad scientist Maglio and the ghostly Fifty-Seven and discover that some of the numbers are mysteriously disappearing.They must race against time to find the significant numbers Sixty-One and Three Hundred Thirteen. But why are the numbers disappearing? And what is so important about the number eight?
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