FB2 Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church by The Boston Globe pdf ibooks ipad

FB2 Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church by The Boston Globe pdf ibooks ipad

FB2 Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church by The Boston Globe pdf ibooks ipad

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Book description

Book description
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Public ServiceThe story behind this groundbreaking book--one of the most significant works of investigative journalism since Woodward and Bernsteins reporting on Watergate--has been brought brilliantly to life on the screen in the major new movie Spotlight.Here are the devastating revelations that triggered a crisis within the Catholic Church. Here is the truth about the scores of abusive priests who preyed upon innocent children and the cabal of senior Church officials who covered up their crimes. Here is the trail of hush money that the Catholic Church secretly paid to buy victims silence--deeds that left millions of the faithful in the U.S. and around the world shocked, angry, and confused. Here as well is a vivid account of the ongoing struggle, as Catholics confront their Church and call for sweeping change.
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