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Among my bibliophile friends, is a subset who enjoy historical biographies. A friend loaned me this bio of Benjamin Franklin, a 1939 Pulitzer winner that occupies >800 dense pages. I flinched, but Steve loved it, so I put my head down and tucked in.Other than facts learned in grade school, my first exposure to Franklin was from his autobiography. What a man! Then I looked at him through John and Abigail Adams eyes: lascivious and scandalous. What a jerk! So help me, after reading this I now find him charming and witty. And amazing. Though he is flawed, I applaud. This is a sympathetic biography. I dont believe it crosses the line, but it is certainly in the suburbs of hagiography. Heres how it begins.This is a long book. It could twice as easily have been three times as long. From Franklins beginnings as a journalist at sixteen to his retirement from public affairs at eighty-two there was no break in his activity, and he was—and is—unsurpassed by any man in the range of his natural gifts and of the important uses he put them too. Ive copied quotes and made notes in more than 30 pages of my journal. Here are a few things I noticed: ♥ He lived a considerable time overseas as a diplomat. Ten years in England. Nine years in France. Before there was a United States, Franklin was its first ambassador. ♥ He was estranged from his son, William, because William (governor of New Jersey) was a loyalist. Their relationship before the war was very close. ♥ At one time he was considered the most famous man in the world♥ His was a curious man: electricity, Gulf stream, Scottish tunes, womens make up♥ He loved children; he loved big families; BFs friends children became BFs friends♥ He shared a bed with John Adams when the inn was full♥ He was the reason France loaned millions to America♥ He was once a slave-owner, but ended his days as an abolitionist♥ He is the epitome of an autodidact, a life-long learner♥ The short list of people he personally knew: Cotton Mather, George Whitefield, King George III, Adam Smith, King Louis XVI, Edmund Burke, William Pitt, William WilberforceI dont think Ive ever read an index of a book before, but I read this one as a review. And there it is: Nudism, BFs, 405. What?! Yep, he spent his first hour awake reading and writing sans clothes. There were sections of slogging; but I cant remember them now. The closer to the end I go, the sharper my interest became.
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