FB2 Before You Go by Clare James (Goodreads Author) original torrent francais free buy

FB2 Before You Go by Clare James (Goodreads Author) original torrent francais free buy

FB2 Before You Go by Clare James (Goodreads Author) original torrent francais free buy

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Book description
Paralyzed by the past and terrified of the future, Tabitha Kelly is broken.After a public sex scandal at her college, Tabby moves to a new city with a new school, convinced she can start over. But she soon realizes the changes are not enough. Tabby must take action to help her heal and move on from the past. And though it sounds crazy, she believes a one-night stand is the best way to take back what’s hers. If she can choose where, when, and most importantly, who … maybe she can regain control.First, she needs a willing participant.She finds more than that when she meets Noah Adler.Unfortunately, she can’t go through with it. And when she tries to forget about the plan—and the guy—it becomes impossible.Noah quickly weaves his way into her new life and her heart. But as he comes dangerously close to discovering her secret, Tabby’s at risk of losing it all.
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