FB2 As Timeless As Stone by Maeve Alpin how read without registering shop txt free

FB2 As Timeless As Stone by Maeve Alpin how read without registering shop txt free

FB2 As Timeless As Stone by Maeve Alpin how read without registering shop txt free

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Book description
Though society stands in their way, can love transcend time with the aid of robotics and ritual? In peril for her life, the Priestess Seshat turns herself to stone in ancient Egypt. Centuries later, Ricard, a dashing nineteenth century Frenchman, repairs a broken statue and reads its incantation--unprepared for the gorgeous flesh and blood woman who steps forth.Seshat is drawn to the brass robots Ricard creates and the glamor of the Victorian age, and most of all to Ricard himself. But the society of his day cannot accept a woman like her. How far will Ricard go to secure her happiness? Is their love strong enough to transcend time itself?
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