FB2 Angels in the Dark by Lauren Kate (Goodreads Author) book pdf online

FB2 Angels in the Dark by Lauren Kate (Goodreads Author) book pdf online

FB2 Angels in the Dark by Lauren Kate (Goodreads Author) book pdf online

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Book description
To see my full review:http://abookvacation.com/2014/02/21/r...If youve read the Fallen novels by Lauren Kate (and enjoyed them), then I highly recommend you pick up this novella compilation of all the shorts Kate has written. Somehow, I didnt know they existed at all, but then found this at my local library and scooped it up. Its a very short read; very well done, but it took me a minute to wrap my head around the first story because its been a long time since I actually read the full series. But, these shorts brought it all back, and I loved getting reacquainted with the characters. In fact, Im planning to re-read the full series again because this rekindled my love for the characters and their plights. It fills in some small gaps here and there, and it fleshes out some scenes in more detail as well, which I know any fan of the Fallen series will just love.
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