FB2 An Azziarin Christmas by Hannah Davenport (Goodreads Author) mobi ibooks ipad

FB2 An Azziarin Christmas by Hannah Davenport (Goodreads Author) mobi ibooks ipad

FB2 An Azziarin Christmas by Hannah Davenport (Goodreads Author) mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description
An Azziarin Christmas, is Book 4 written by bestselling Amazon author, Hannah Davenport. Catch up on your favorite couples as the females prepare for their first Azziarin Christmas. Find out what happened to Mara as she tells her story and comes to realize that she will in fact be spending this Christmas with family—her new family.She can’t believe she is now mated to Risshi. He’s kind and patient, and she’s the luckiest girl alive to have him as her mate. But her life hasn’t always been this great—in fact, this is the first time she has really lived. Her last six weeks on Earth were her worst ever, and even as she tries to forget the horrible events and the mistakes she made, she would do it all over again to be mated to Risshi. Now she just hopes he can accept her human baby. Azziarins are not accustomed to raising other males young; it just doesn’t happen here. It can’t. How could I have been so stupid? Risshi was slow to react, and now his life was in danger. He was finally happy. The guilt he had carried after his mother died had been replaced with a happy life and a loving mate. They helped each other through their guilt and anguish, and now it was all slipping away from him. As the blood dripped from his body, so did his strength, until blackness consumed him.This is a short read, about 17,000 words, but with no shortage of love, lust, action and good fun. It is intended for adults only.
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