FB2 American Spirit: An Exploration of the Craft Distilling Revolution by James Rodewald book look buy macbook finder

FB2 American Spirit: An Exploration of the Craft Distilling Revolution by James Rodewald book look buy macbook finder

FB2 American Spirit: An Exploration of the Craft Distilling Revolution by James Rodewald book look buy macbook finder

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Book description
Craft distilling has exploded in the United States in recent years, and this in-depth look at the intrepid characters at the forefront of the liquid revolution will have you rethinking whats in your liquor cabinet—and possibly your career choice. James Rodewald, a veteran journalist who spent more than a decade at Gourmet magazine, most of that time as Drinks Editor, traveled the country talking to the men and women at the heart of this remarkable industry about the challenges they face, the rewards of their hard work, and the delicious spirits they make. Along the way, myths are shattered, phonies are unmasked, and drinks-as well as a few tears-are spilled.
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