FB2 Abraham Lincoln: A History, Vol.V by John G. Nicolay story offline online doc finder

FB2 Abraham Lincoln: A History, Vol.V by John G. Nicolay story offline online doc finder

FB2 Abraham Lincoln: A History, Vol.V by John G. Nicolay story offline online doc finder

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Book description
Considered one of the best treatments of the presidency of Abraham Lincoln of its time, this portrait of the man and his administration of the United States at the moment of its greatest upheaval is both intimate and scholarly. Written by two private secretaries to the president and first published in 1890, this astonishingly in-depth work is still praised today for its clear, easy-to-read style and vitality. This new replica edition features all the original illustrations. Volume Five covers: the Trent affair Grant and Thomas in Kentucky Lincolns plans of campaign Manassas evacuated the Monitor and Merrimac Farraguts victory the Shiloh campaign Yorktown and much more. American journalist and statesman JOHN MILTON HAY (1838-1905) was only 22 when he became a private secretary to Lincoln. A former member of the Providence literary circle when he attended Brown University in the late 1850s, he may have been the real author of Lincolns famous Letter to Mrs. Bixby. After Lincolns death, Hay later served as editor of the *New York Tribune* and as U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom under President William McKinley. American author JOHN GEORGE NICOLAY (1832-1901) was born in Germany and emigrated to the U.S. as a child. Before serving as Lincolns private secretary, he worked as a newspaper editor and later as assistant to the secretary of state of Illinois. He also wrote *Campaigns of the Civil War* (1881).
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