FB2 Abinadi by H.B. Moore (Goodreads Author) download iphone read english ios

FB2 Abinadi by H.B. Moore (Goodreads Author) download iphone read english ios

FB2 Abinadi by H.B. Moore (Goodreads Author) download iphone read english ios

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Book description
Raquel has a secret. As the daughter of one of King Noahs priests, she enjoys a luxurious life and the admiration of powerful men. But her heart belongs to a commoner, a man with no earthly wealth but rich heavenly gifts. When King Noah demands that Raquel join his harem, she flees the only life she has known and marries her secret love. His name is Abinadi. The couple finds abundant joy in their community of believers and in their firstborn son. But when the Lord calls Abinadi as His prophet, their faith is tested to the outermost limits. Abinadis commitment to the Lord requires them both to give their all even unto death. Yet if Alma, the newest priest in King Noahs court, chooses to overcome his troubled past and cleave unto the truth, their sacrifice may yield rich fruit. With vivid detail and poignant emotion, this historical novel pulls readers into a fiery tale of love, courage, and faith that is difficult to put down and impossible to forget.
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