FB2 A Very Sinful Valentine by Charlotte Featherstone (Goodreads Author) francais ebook access online offline

FB2 A Very Sinful Valentine by Charlotte Featherstone (Goodreads Author) francais ebook access online offline

FB2 A Very Sinful Valentine by Charlotte Featherstone (Goodreads Author) francais ebook access online offline

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Book description
My Dearest Jane, my wife, my Valentine…Matthew loves his wife and children and the family life. Yet, the man he used to be, Wallingford, ached for something a little more hedonistic. Debauched. His wife, Jane, seems to be encased by a melancholy and sadness he couldnt quite reach. Janes been hit with the baby blues, and Matthew is seriously worried. He thinks that his wife is hit with the husband blues. Matthews friend came up with a wonderful idea: Ingenuity.Matthew wants his Jane back!After two pregnancies Janes body has changed. She doesnt feel comfortable with it and she thinks that Matthew cant worship her new body anymore. She fears he would no longer desire who she was. Boy, was she ever wrong!What I want, Jane, can not be satisfied with a quick loving. What I want, Jane, is a night, a full night of exploration and sensual pleasures. A night, when I make you mine once again. A night where you come to me with nothing between us.<…>You will accept everything I give you. And you will be loved, Jane. Loved so that you never forget that you are the only woman for me. You always have been. And you always will be.Wow, what a beautiful and sinfully hot little read! Looooved it! Ah, theres one very important word that describes Ms. Featherstones writing: SENSUALITY! Its oh so ever-present and I cant get enough of that. Yes, Im gonna admit it. I am a sensuality whore. Ill be soaking it up at every available opportunity.Matthew and Jane are THE perfect couple. Their chemistry is incredibly good. Its so good that it leaps right off the pages! And I just love to see them together. Matthew, youre writing such naughty, yet beautiful love letters. I envy your Jane!Yes, Janes very sinful Valentine gave her everything!There is no condition on my love. No end to my desire. Dont put them there, my love.This short story is for free. Check out the link:http://www.themysticcastle.com/pdf/a_...
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