FB2 A House for the Most High: The Story of the Original Nauvoo Temple by Matthew S. McBride epub via read reader mobile

FB2 A House for the Most High: The Story of the Original Nauvoo Temple by Matthew S. McBride epub via read reader mobile

FB2 A House for the Most High: The Story of the Original Nauvoo Temple by Matthew S. McBride epub via read reader mobile

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Book description

Book description
This informative book will chronologically document the behind-the-scenes stories of the common people involved in the sacrifice to erect the second Mormon temple. First hand accounts are drawn from diaries, journals, and letters. The prologue of this book discusses briefly the early temple building efforts of the fledgling Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the development of temple-related doctrines during the decade prior to the Nauvoo era, and the arrival of the Saints in Illinois in 1839. The body of the history covers the years 1840, when the temple was first contemplated, to 1850, when its walls were toppled by a hurricane. An epilogue completes the story by recounting the story of the repurchase of the temple lot by the Church in 1937, the lots excavation in 1962, and the announcement that the temple would be rebuilt. Also included is an appendix containing important eyewitness descriptions of the temple, and a bibliography of major sources.
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