FB2 A Groom for Greta by Anna Schmidt (Goodreads Author) txt online free

FB2 A Groom for Greta by Anna Schmidt (Goodreads Author) txt online free

FB2 A Groom for Greta by Anna Schmidt (Goodreads Author) txt online free

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Book description
Everyone in their small Amish community expects Greta Goodloe to marry her longtime sweetheart--Greta included. So when he publicly ends their engagement, in front of newcomer Luke Starns no less, she is utterly humiliated. At least she can take comfort in matchmaking between Luke and her quiet schoolmarm sister. Yet the more she tries to throw them together, the more Luke fascinates her.A serious, no-nonsense schoolmarm should be exactly what Luke wants in a wife. Still, he cant help but be charmed by Gretas warm smile and impulsive ways. Does he dare to stray from the sensible choice and take a chance on happiness?
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