FB2 A Big Night in Booville by Slade Stone torrent via online free tablet

FB2 A Big Night in Booville by Slade Stone torrent via online free tablet

FB2 A Big Night in Booville by Slade Stone torrent via online free tablet

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Book description
Julia found this with all of the Halloween stuff yesterday at Wal-Mart so we bought it. Its a really fast read with bright, appealing illustrations for kids. The story is about Wilson the Mummy Boy who happens to have his birthday on Halloween. Hes super excited for his friends to join in for his special day but everyone is only excited about trick-or-treating. Wilson is disappointed but determined not to let it get hin down and he goes with the flow until hes nicely surprised. ;-) This could start a conversation on why its important not to assume things among other things. Julia and I talked about how sometimes well think one thing when reality is a whole other and the decisions made based on both.
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