FB2 500 Questions & Answers from the Bible by Mark Fackler (Editor) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

FB2 500 Questions & Answers from the Bible by Mark Fackler (Editor) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

FB2 500 Questions & Answers from the Bible by Mark Fackler (Editor) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

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Book description
For inquisitive readers of any age-adults and students alike-heres a book to shed light on the Bibles great questions. Where did the scripture come from? What is God really like? What do some of those confusing Bible passages really mean? More than 400 questions are answered in user-friendly language, based on sound Christian doctrine. Arranged in canonical order, 500 Questions & Answers from the Bible is an excellent resource for regular Bible study. Its open design presents a wealth of information in an appealing, accessible format-and its fully illustrated in color!
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