



Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human was able to create a decentralized platform integrated with tokens that had a real usage. Now dogs are coming to the rescue of man, now 's when Erc20.Dog comes in. Erc20.Dog will be a decentralized application ecosystem backed by a large community that will be rewarded for its work and support to the project. This ecosystem will revolve around the DOG token, which will be directly integrated to the different applications.

How many times have you invested in a project that ended up in nothing?

Every day dozens of projects in the world of crypto assets come to light. Of the thousands of projects that we can see each year, approximately less than a hundred achieve some success, and we dare to say that there are a only a few that truly generate progress in the universe of Blockchain technology. Although there are hundreds of companies that have raised large amounts of money through ICO and then have obtained a capitalization ten times higher, most of them have not created anything new that gives value to this technology.

With DOG we do not want to generate false expectations, nor paint a world of colors. We do not do miracles, much less. We simply want to make a real contribution with different decentralized platforms, small projects that will make a difference and that will begin to give a real use to Blockchain technology.

To fulfill our objective, we are going to sell part of the DOG tokens, so we will be able to finance the first stages of development with the objective of giving more value to the token and being able to continue with the second step.

Welcome to Erc20.Dog, we hope you can enjoy this project that has us so excited and that you can join us in this wonderful community.

Our goal

The main objective of Erc20.Dog is to achieve a greater adoption of Blockchain technology by the average users. We will not go into detail of what are all the advantages of a decentralized network system because it is irrelevant and everyone interested in cryptocurrencies know them. We simply want to mention that to achieve greater adoption, we have planted different secondary objectives.

  • Create platforms with real use cases

It is the first step to reach more people every day. We want to create something that people seek to do and have no choice but to resort to the use of Blockchain technologies and cryptography.

  • Facilitate access to crypto assets

Maybe today it is still difficult for many people to access this type of assets. With DOG, the goal is to reach the average user interested in the world of cryptocurrencies but does not access it due to its difficulty. Perhaps today it is still difficult to get into this world because it is not completely necessary for people, so we believe that this aspect goes hand in hand with the previous point.

  • Give value to this technology

Nowadays the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is pure speculation. People invest in the promise of what may value or become in the future. There is no real present value, or it exists in small quantities. After fully integrating the DOG token into an ecosystem of decentralized applications, we will have a token with real value, and we hope to motivate in this way the creation of other similar projects that may give more importance to the Blockchain technology.


The DOG Token crowdsale will start on March 20, 2018. A proportional distribution mechanism will be used for the sale. Each participant will receive an allocation in proportion with their purchase amount.

The goal for the sale is to ensure a fair distribution and to establish the pool value. A hard cap of 200 ETH will be applied to ensure the initial pool value is significant but still has room to grow as the network matures.



DOG Token

Erc20.Dog (DOG) will be the first Erc20 token & cryptocurrency created by dogs. You'll be able to store and transfer the token, and in the near future DOG will be implemented on community Dapps.

DOG Wallet

A secure and user-friendly coin wallet that gives financial control back to the end-users is one of the most important parts of the infrastructure of the “Internet of Value”. It will bridge the gap between a cryptocurrency enthusiast and a mainstream user – and possibly increase the adoption rate of cryptocurrency by 10-fold if done right. We want to invest in building such a wallet, firstly to host DOG and ETH and later multiple other cryptographic tokens and currencies.

  • To safely store DOG, ETH, and other coins and tokens
  • APIs for third party bots and applications
  • Users will be able to safely send DOG and ETH to friends and contacts


The crowdsale of the DOG token will begin on March 20, 2018 at 00:00 UTC. It will last until April 1 at 00:00 UTC.

The distribution of the tokens will be proportional to the amount invested. The only way to obtain DOG tokens in our crowdsale is by contributing to our smart contract with ETH, and the minimum investment is 0.025 ETH.


Meet the team


For more information please visit: Website:





Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile:;u=1326035

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