Empire Coin Classic

Empire Coin Classic


Emclassic is an ERC 20 Standard tokens based on the ethereum blockchain, EML is an acronym from the Empire Coin Classic. EmClassic is created as a Local currency for an online e-commerce company. EmMall and Blockchain Industry will create opportunities in the cryptocurrency eco space.

It is also one of the pair from the company EmMall,and used as a payment tool which the valid later in the company. Up between EmMall and EmClassic can’t be separated.

The more progressive of the enterprise ,the more advanced the token becomes .Also on the contrary. Be aware also that while many will recognize EmCLassic ,then the Enterprise EmMall has adopted a system blockchain in pair, Because ,they have a view that through the system of such ,is expected to be more transparent, evenly and quickly in the process of the transactions.


• INNOVATION: If you are a Lover of Innovation you have come to the right place, cause our project is here to innovate the e-commerce industry.

• QUICK, SECURE, AND RELIABLE TRANSACTIONS: Using EmClassic you can make Quick, Secure and Reliable Transactions, on the Blockchain. All transactions are Peer to peer.

• THE E-COMMERCE TOKEN: EmClassic is the Basic Crypto currency used to purchase goods online EmMall and other Online e-commerce sites..

Token Details

Name Of The Token : EmClassic

Symbol : EML

Token type: Erc 20 Standard Token

Total Supply: 3,000,000 EML

Protocol : Staking allowed

Period: Annually 7%

There is a total supply of around 3.000.000 EML.And that is a total “ LIMITED “.

In addition to the Advantages of EmClassic above,there are a number of advantages again, among them are : the Speed in the transaction process,a Reliable,staking, etc.

Until,from some of the the superiority of the other,hopefully that token emclassic even as pair Enterprises,will be more tend to be liked by everyone.including myself.


The Website Launch (Complete)

EmClassic Website was launched on 22nd April 2018.

Project Announcement (Complete)

EmClassic Project was Announced to the public on 22nd April 2018.

$EM/$EML Coin Swap Snapshot (In Progress)

Coin Swap distribution in Progress.

Exchange Listings (In Progress)

EML Tokens will be listed on different reputable exchanges.

Staking Wallet *BETA (Released)

EML Token web staking wallet is out. Still in Beta.

EmMall Launch (Coming Soon)

E-commerce Online store to purchase using EML Tokens will be up Q4 2018.

EML Android Staking Wallet (Coming Soon)

EML Staking Wallet Android application for mobile and tablets to be released soon.

For more information please visit the links below;

Website : https://emcoinclassic.com/

WhitePaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YhQE1B88QFXT-xccKClQgLcU16k--X6l/view

Twitter : https://twitter.com/EmCoins

Telegram : https://t.me/EmClassic

Author: BrainerdPaul

BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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