Eezo planets mass effect 2 guide

Eezo planets mass effect 2 guide

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The following listed planets will reveal a plentiful supply of Element Zero when scanned with the Normandy. Tip to quickly scan planets by increasing rotation speed: Hold the left thumbstick to the far right, while at the same time holding the right thumbstick to the far right. 17 Feb 2010 Element Zero is one of the most important and most wanted items in Mass Effect 2 since it is used for upgrades, some of them vital for the normal flow of the gameplay. Finding Element Zero planets, however, is quite difficult sometimes and in order to help you a bit I'm sharing a list with you, a really useful The following is a list of systems and planets where Element Zero can be found. Caleston Rift. Aysur >> Arvuna (Removed from the game) Crescent Nebula. Lusarn >> Tarith. Eagle Nebula. Amun >> Anhur, Sekhmet. Far Rim. Dholen >> Gotha. Hades Nexus. Hekate >> Bothros. Hawking Eta. Schwarzschild >> Etamis. Hourglass Nebula. 8 Oct 2012 Planetary Survey - Mass Effect 2: Welcome to the Planetary Survey, a section of our Mass Effect 2 guide that covers the Milky Way Galaxy's many systems. Below, you will find Mineral content (Iridium, Palladium, Platinum and the ever-valuable Element Zero) varies from planet to planet. The game judges 27 Jan 2010 18 Jan 2011 Like the other answer, there are lists you can use to find planets for any particular mineral. If you don't want to use a list, there are a couple of tips: Asteroids generally have Eezo. Wave your scanner over the planet, if there's any Eezo there, there'll be a lot, and it'll show up immediately. You only need ~50k Scanning is a new system in Mass Effect 2 that replaces driving with the Mako and searching for the minerals inland, from the first game. . Eezo is rare. There are many fewer planets with Element Zero than other resource types. Check the table above for good places to go searching if you need some - fortunately after your Certain resources tend to be common on particular planet-types. In the following section, all the planets high in particular resources will be listed. Note also that for the rare Element Zero, you need a planet that has once had an industrial population, and because of its rarity we are listing all planets containing the resource. Wanting to save everyone + playing on veteran so I need as many upgrades as I can. I'm lacking mostly in Element Zero, so what are the best

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