Ecosystem of Let It Play

Ecosystem of Let It Play


LetItPlay is not merely a blockchain but an ecosystem in the first place. This ecosystem consists of several actors each of which pursues its own interests and benefits from interacting with each other.

Within the LetItPlay ecosystem, there are six key actors: Consumers, Content Providers, Distributors, Service Providers, DAO, and Agents. All together they form a Community of the LetItPlay ecosystem.

1.   Consumers

Content Consumers are regular people that today watch TV or YouTube, read news on online portals, follow their favorite bloggers in social media. In the near future, as visual content grows increasingly excessive, practically all people will run out of time for consuming it.

Based on needs and ways of content consumption, Content Consumers can be segmented into the following main groups:

·       Young People

Life of young people is full of experiences and fun. There is always a desire to get more time to try everything, and have enough time for self-development and study that often fall victim to chronic lack of time. Young people represent the most active audience that consumes a massive amount of content. Young people are good at consuming information from multiple sources in parallel. In their daily schedules, they have plenty of time for audio.

·       Family People

Family people have almost no time for personal development. Their life is crowded with numerous necessary, but routine activities such as driving, shopping, household chores, and childcare. Even at work, many duties are often mechanical and do not require to stay fully focused. Hence, this time may be used for listening to audio. Audio content will help transform these routines into personal development.

·       Business People

During the working day, while driving to the next meeting or appointment, they can prepare for a meeting by listening to relevant information: news, quotes, analytics, etc.

·       Older Adults

Their vision worsens as they get older, and they are unable to read a lot, so they tend to listen to video content from TV and YouTube that plays in the background. For this audience, audio is the best way of consuming information from the Internet without eye strain.

·       Visually Impaired People

Visually impaired people There are 45 million of blind people and 135 million of visually impaired people in the world. For this type of people, audio content is the main way of getting information. The audio version of day-to-day content will open up a world of information for them. 

·       Sportspeople

Sportspeople spend a lot of time training. The training occupies a large part of their active life. While training, they often listen to music or sometimes to podcasts which are very scarce. The audio version of the Internet content will help sportspeople spend more time on self-development.

2.  Content Providers

Content Providers, often referred to as content owners or content authors, are a key element of the LetItPlay ecosystem. Their key mission is to create high-quality content that is interesting to consumers.

Content Provider’s goals are:

·       Expanding the audience by attracting new Consumers to LetItPlay

·       Increasing audience loyalty by offering content in audio format

·       Monetizing own content

3.  Distributors

Distributors deliver content to End Consumers. In return, each Distributor earns a part of rewards accrued to the Content Provider for Consumer attention to content and ads.

The LetItPlay services designed for content distribution will consist of:

·       Mobile apps for iOS and Android as the main and most convenient way to gain access to audio content.

·       A web portal having the same functionality as mobile apps but offering more advanced features for account settings, subscription and preference management, and also settings for financial and other transactions.

·       An audio player web widget embeddable into the existing websites of Content Providers and providing key functions for listening to audio on their websites.

4.  Service Providers

Service Providers are companies or individual professionals who, in exchange for Play tokens, provide their services to other ecosystem participants on the internal service exchange.

These services may include:

·       Content voicing by a voice professional, a voice-over artist or just a popular voice.

·       Post-processing of an audio recorded by the Content Provider. For example, a blogger may record his voice on his phone, but before sharing it he wants to cut out what is superfluous, remove noise, balance the volume, add an acoustic backing, and so on.

·       Editing services to prepare an impeccable textual description of content and provide it with additional materials such as links, graphics, and so on.

·       Translating services to provide a multilingual version of content.

·       Voice synthesizing. We prefer live human voices, but AI-based synthesized voices are getting better and better year after year. Hence these artificial voices might become the most massive solution for voicing text content in future.

5.  DAO

A Dесеntrаlizеd Autоnоmоuѕ Orgаnizаtiоn (DAO) оr Decentralized Administration, аt a сеrtаin ѕtаgе, will bе аn intеgrаl part оf thе ecosystem thаt will ensure itѕ self-regulation. The Dесеntrаlizеd Adminiѕtrаtiоn iѕ a kеу аdminiѕtrаtivе bоdу that tаkеѕ dесiѕiоnѕ оn the LеtItPlау dеvеlорmеnt. It iѕ a dесеntrаlizеd еԛuivаlеnt of thе bоаrd оf directors оf a соnvеntiоnаl company.

Basic principles of DAO:

·       DAO consists of 50 voting delegates

·       A delegate’s vote weight is proportional to his Play Power, including delegated PlayPower

·       50 candidates for delegates with the highest PlayPower become delegates

·       Any user may file an application to DAO and become a candidate for delegate

·       A candidate for delegate may persuade other users to delegate to him their PlayPower for gaining enough PlayPower to enter top 50 and become a delegate

The primary purpose of DAO is not only to manage the development of LetItPlay but also to engage the community in managing its development so that the community interested in the ecosystem development is engaged in its self-regulatory mechanisms.

6.  Agents

Agents are authorized Users of the LetItPlay ecosystem with specialized roles assigned by DAO, each of which defines Agent’s responsibilities and powers.

With the Agents mechanism within the LetItPlay ecosystem, self-regulation is provided in those areas where the community ended up needing rules, managed to formalize an algorithm for solving a given disputable problem, and granted the right to Agents to solve this problem.

Tasks to be solved by Agents:

·        Check fair use of content in a separate jurisdiction

·        Establish true authorship of content

·        Verify if users are real (human) users

·        Contribute to the community development: engage Content Providers, Service Providers, Distributors, Users, and Agents

·        Resolve disputes arising between different counterparties in the course of interacting

·        Support users, recover accounts

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