Echinopsis pachanoi — Википедия

Echinopsis pachanoi — Википедия

Echinopsis pachanoi — Википедия

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The San Pedro cactus Echinopsis pachanoi , syn. Uses for it include traditional medicine and traditional veterinary medicine, and it is widely grown as an ornamental cactus. It has been used for healing and religious divination in the Andes Mountains region for over years. The plant is light to dark green, sometimes glaucous, and has 4—9 usually 5—7 ribs. The tallest recorded specimen was Echinopsis pachanoi has a long history of being used in Andean traditional medicine. Archeological studies have found evidence of use going back two thousand years, to Moche culture. Echinopsis pachanoi contains hordenine and '. San Pedro contains a number of alkaloids, including the well-studied chemical mescaline 0. Mescaline 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine is a psychedelic drug and entheogen , which is also found in some other species of genus Echinopsis i. Echinopsis lageniformis , Echinopsis peruviana , and Echinopsis scopulicola and the species Lophophora williamsii peyote. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the highest concentrations of active substances are found in the layer of green photosynthetic tissue just beneath the skin. There are various mescaline extraction techniques, simple boiling in water for five to seven hours and complex such as an acid-base extraction , the latter technique yielding a material with a significantly higher concentration of mescaline. San Pedro is very easy to grow in most areas. Because it grows naturally in the Andes Mountains at high altitude and with high rainfall, it can withstand temperatures far below that of many other cacti. San Pedro requires fertile, free-draining soil. They are susceptible to fungal diseases if over-watered, but are not nearly as sensitive as many other cacti, especially in warm weather. They can be sunburned and display a yellowing chlorotic reaction to overexposure to sunlight. In warm areas it is best to keep them out of direct sun in mid-summer. In winter, plants will etiolate, or become thin, due to lower levels of light. This may be problematic if the etiolated zone is not sufficiently strong to support future growth as the cactus may break in strong winds. Some people also find it visually undesirable. If you wish to avoid etiolation when temperatures drop and growth rates slow, encourage it to enter winter dormancy by withholding water and fertilizer from it over the winter. Like many other plants, Echinopsis pachanoi can be propagated from cuttings. The result is a genetic clone of the parent plant. This is so that the surface of the cut end dries out like paper forming a seal to keep out microorganisms such as mold. The cutting can then be dipped in rooting hormone optional, but effective and planted on the surface of or buried to a maximum of 2. The cutting is kept in the shade or indirect sunlight, so that the root system can develop and the cactus does not grow too thinly. After about six months, significant roots will have formed and the cutting can be repotted in the same type of soil. A long cactus column can be laid on its side on the ground, and eventually roots will sprout from it and grow into the ground. After time, sprouts will form and cactus columns will grow upward out of it along its length. The seeds are quite easy to germinate and grow. Their main requirements consist of high humidity levels, free-draining soil mix, and enough but not too much water, light, and nutrition. There are a number of commonly used methods that satisfy these requirements and the choice of a particular method depends mainly on the scale of the cultivation operation. For soil, use coarse sharp sand sieved river sand. Some people also find coir or peat, or mixtures, to be effective. The soil can be sterilized by cooking it in an oven on high for 1—2 hours. Sterilization will be most effective if the sand is moist. If one is available, an autoclave would also be useful at this point. Some people find sterilization to be unnecessary. This may depend on other factors. The soil is placed into trays which can be sanitized with bleach beforehand if desired and the seeds planted into it when the soil has cooled. The seeds should be only just below the surface i. The trays now need to be kept in a humid environment. This may be achieved by the use of plastic bags, glass plates, or greenhouses, depending on scale. About 25 degrees C. The seedlings stay in the humid environment for several months. During this time they must be continually checked for water and nutrient requirements, and fungal pathogens. Ensure the soil stays moist, but not overly wet. Fungi can be killed with a sulfur or copper-based fungicide. There have been some reports of seedlings responding negatively to these treatments so be very cautious with the amount used. There is some evidence that garlic is also an effective fungicide. If germinating seeds in cold weather, a heat mat and fluorescent light can be used. These should be set on a timer to mimic normal diurnal temperature cycles for germination but can be left on permanently for faster growth once all the seeds have sprouted. One good method for growing cacti seedlings using this setup is to germinate them in late winter and have them ready to go outside by spring as temperatures and light levels are increasing. In most countries it is legal to cultivate San Pedro, but in countries where possession of mescaline and related compounds is illegal and highly penalized, cultivation for the purposes of consumption is most likely illegal and also highly penalized. Mescaline is only legal for certain natives such as those involved in the Native American Church. The possession and cultivation of the San Pedro Cactus per se for decorative purposes is legal, but, if one were to extract the mescaline from the cactus, then the penalties for mescaline would apply. Games Movies TV Wikis. Contents \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ show \\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Botanik, Ethnopharmakologie und Anwendungen. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 2: Retrieved from ' http: Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. Remove the custom ad blocker rule s and the page will load as expected. This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original article was at Echinopsis pachanoi. The list of authors can be seen in the page history.

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