Eagle Eye Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie

Eagle Eye Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie


Eagle Eye Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie


Jerry Shaw is an amiable slacker with an over-achieving twin brother. After his twin dies in an accident, strange things happen to Jerry at a dizzying pace: a fortune shows up in his bank account, weapons are delivered to his flat, and a voice on his cell phone tells him the police are on their way. Jerry follows the voice's instructions, and soon he and a woman he's never met are racing through the city, on to a plane, and eventually to the Pentagon, chased by the FBI. She is Rachel Holloman, a single mom; the voice has threatened her son's death if she doesn't cooperate. The voice seems to know everything. Who is behind it, what is being planned, and why Jerry and Rachel?
Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move.
(37%) A piece made entirely for the average opening weekend cinema goer. The type of person who decides what film to go and watch by the billboard they just drove past, or a 10 second TV spot. Someone who thinks that the critics are way too harsh with the "awesome" transformers movies. The type of person who are far more interested in the popcorn and fizzy drink combo than the actual film itself. People who just want a big bang for every one of their bucks. Folk who always between the "boring talky bits" check their text messages and distract everyone around them with the annoying glow from their phone's screen. And quite frankly if that's you in a nutshell then this is a good watch. In fact you might even deem it awesome, but if that's the case then you likely paid with your ticket using pocket money. With a fair bit of Will Smith's "Enemy of the state" this is a movie most high school students would alter Hitchcock's entire back-catalogue to be more like, ie take out character depth, almost all the tension, subtlety, and just hand over all the action by the bargain bucket load. While this does roll along at a fair old speed, is very watchable, and isn't really what I'd call even near to being terrible, but it still couldn't be more of a hollow, overly produced, and very silly experience even if it tried.
terminator was good. but why do it again with "that guy from transformers" and poorly? i apologize for using blatantly simple, crude language to express this movie, but that is exactly what this movie is. it starts from what seems to be a interesting political thriller into yet another mediocre scifi about how technology will get out of our control, but with so many plot holes you end up feeling completely numb with all the running around and explosions happening. shia is the next ben affleck. the moment our b list stars are in circuit city and the computer reveals itself, i immediately thought "...are you serious?" i mean who wrote this script? In the end rosario dawson simply sticks a metal rod into the giant "eagle eye" that was just unsuspectingly dangling in front of her, and that stops the super intelligent AI completely.. i don't even want to get into why they didn't do something about that earlier. and the whole fiasco about putting the crystal on the lady and the sonic trigger in her son's trumpet.. whoever programmed Aria is retarded and whoever wrote this script is on the same level of IQ as the computer. only props go to billy bob thorton for killing himself, like he should do in every one of his movies.
The movie itself is hyperactive and a jumble.
Screenwriter Dan McDermott wrote the original script for Eagle Eye based on an idea by American director Steven Spielberg. When Spielberg was replaced as director by D.J. Caruso, McDermott's script was rewritten by screenwriters Eli Attie, John Glenn, Travis Wright, and Hillary Seitz. It is four time Oscar nominee Julianne Moore. This was confirmed by Rosario Dawson. Moore chose to be uncredited. Nope, not this time. Just your standard end credits. While Ariia's 73% unsaved memory was destroyed by Perez, her 27% saved is probably nowhere near as powerful and is therefore useless, wherever it may be. Other theories could be that the saved memory will return in a possible though improbable sequel, or that the memory was never actually saved and all of Ariia was destroyed at the same time, or the saved memory was found and destroyed. The most likely theory would be the latter since a sequel will probably never be in the works. There is an alternate ending that set up a sequel in which Sam was contacted by Ariia through his Xbox. However, that ending was not used, and therefore no other possible continuity is being set up for later on. a5c7b9f00b

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